kami yang suka berkonvoi!!!
ehehe,actually abang does, and his friends.. the LPC team to be exact..
i am one of them, so aku layankan ajeeeeeeee....
previous week, LPC was invited to join a launching event for an insurance company named Steerage sumthing2, lebeh kurang aa.. e-hayat is the name, but we called it e-mayat..ahahahahaa...
aktiviti dia? apa lagi.. konvoi laa..mengiringi artis jemputan, which was arry putra.. who? yeah i dont even know him.. the rest of us pun tak tahu menahu siapakah makhluk ini.. we came not for him though,just for the fun of konvoi..ahahahah.. tapi we (me and am) did not wait till the function is over..
we had other obligations to succumb to..
next konvoi...happened yesterday by the theme of "INDEPENDENCE DAY" which we named ~~LEDAKAN MERDEKA 51~~HAHAHA, i do think i look really-good in the pic to your right.. ahahhaha... kamera jamali bagusssss laa... buat orang nampak cantik dan kurus... beli kat mana?? SAYA SUKAAAAAA
(masuk bakul angkat sendiri is sumtimes gud for your own self-esteem)
aktiviti? lagi2 konvoi, lagi2 konvoi.. dah nama kelab kete kan.. we do what we're soooo gud at..
we ended the konvoi at Maliessa Resort where we ate, played games,take more piccies, gelak2, guling2, eratkan silaturrahim and etc..
in spite of all that fun.. we made sure that we do not forget our creator, Allah S.W.T... tak sesiapa dibenarkan tuang2 solat aa.. to summ it all.. WE LAUGHED A LOT.. and thankfull to GOD for blessing us with a peacefull country to live in...adios,
This entry was posted
on Monday, August 25, 2008
and is filed under
fun fun fun
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- azheazam
- bandar seri alam, johor, Malaysia
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