Posted by azheazam

hello aunts and uncles, i'm 6 weeks old, with the length of 0.59cm.. and MY VERY OWN HEART BEAT!!!!

pray for me that i'll get bigger, stronger and healthier.. pray that mom eat well because she didn't eat much lately.. :(

as much as i'm looking forward to seeing all of you, im currently very comfortable in mom's tummy, and not planning to leave soon.. do wait for my moments on earth!!

to mom and dad, i love you...


dear little baby,

we love you too.. no matter how many morning sickness yet mom have to go through, the severe loss of apetite, extreme fatigueness, headaches and what not.. it never once reduces our fondness for you..

and dad is really patient to put up with all of these.. and always, always being there to support mom... the joy on his face seeing you for the first time on the screen at the hospital is priceless, and he's very looking forward to hold you in his arm and teaching you to call him, bapak!!

so, grow!! strong, healthy... and if it's possible, dont let mom craving for food that's difficult to find.. :)

more love,
mom and dad

*it bring tears to my eyes writing this... oh the mood swings...


This entry was posted on Wednesday, April 01, 2009 and is filed under . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) .


congrats babe! wah mmg cukup2 timw ni hehehe so happy for u! :D

i'm trailing behind u..hehehe

thanks anis!!!
thanks yayie!!!

yayie?? yeehaaa!!!

congrats to you too!!!

wehuuu more hot mama in the making

waaa 6 weeks dah leh ade pic eh??
ko pun same cam yayie take care !!


huhuhuhu. baru hang tau cemana rasanye ngandung.. hehehe..pengorbanan seorang ibu bukan lepas anak lahir je..dari dlm perut lagi tauuuu....hmm doakan aku selamat debis..

azie, congrates. jaga diri, jg makan minum ok. insyaallah, everything will be fine :)

thanks to all...muah3

syu~~ hot mama?? oh yeah!!

peon~~ ko tak nak tau dokto tu scan dari mana untuk amek gamba ni... heheeh..

along~~ keluarkan anak saudaraku cepat!! insyaALLAH selamat..

hotcocoa~~ ini adalah peluang untuk gemuk tanpa rasa bersalah.. eheheeh

congrates!! take care tau..

azie..congrates!!!!!!mcm mne rase pregnant nih?hehe...

congrats azie!!! wuhooo, banyak anak sedara kitaorg tahun nih!


hurmm kalu x silap i kenal u dulu u skolah mgs kan? kelas jupiter or excellence? rite :p x sangka jumpa u kt sini aziati hehehe xtau la u still remember me or not, i satu kelas ngan u from standard 1 until 6 hehehehe anyway tahniah la mommy to be :p

